Our Potatoes

The Perfect Potato

We cultivate our fields as close to planting as possible, which helps create a fresh seed bed for our tubers to grow, giving them the best chance of becoming a top tattie! Here at Turvelaws we have a silty, clay-loam soil type, which is fantastic for holding moisture and nutrients. Once the stem has emerged and the canopy has presented itself, tuber initiation begins.

This is where we pay particularly attention to ensure there is moisture throughout the potato bed. We aim for our canopy to reach 100% by the longest day of the year on 21st June as this maximises UV absorption.





Grown in


One of the first varieties we plant is the Accord – a first early crop. We plant this variety as soon as the soil is up to temperature (around 7 degrees). The soil being the right temperature is imperative to the tuber germinating, establishing its roots and gathering nutrients. If the weather delays planting this can have a knock-on effect on our schedule and prevent the crops getting up to size. The Accord is very distinctive during the growing period, boasting a beautiful blue violet flower.

Plant date: Last week of March

Expected harvest date: 2nd week of August

Why we love Accord…

The early season Accord is one of our personal favourites, and for good reason. Known for its smooth skin and creamy flesh, this versatile potato variety is great for roasting & mashing. When cooked correctly, Accords develop a distinct sweet flavor that’s hard to resist. They crisp up beautifully with just a little extra time in the fryer, making them perfect for golden, crunchy chips.

markies potatoes

The tuber

  • First early crop
  • Creamy skin colour
  • Creamy flesh
  • Short oval shape

The plant

  • Medium height
  • Blue violet flower
  • Few berries


Grown in

Big Haugh

For this Ramos crop a good start is essential, so a sunny end of March brings ideal planting conditions. Ramos are an early maincrop, meaning they take around 80 days to reach maturity.
Quickly becoming known as ‘the farmers potato’ due to its quality, the Ramos is established as our second frier, after the early season Accord, they hold their sugars well in storage, and are best from September until the start of March.

Plant date: Last week of March

Expected harvest date: Start of October

Why we love Ramos…

Golden and crispy, the Ramos variety is our go-to for creating the perfect chip. Known for its consistent size and smooth, yellow skin, Ramos potatoes are ideal for producing chips that are not only visually appealing but also deliver on texture and taste. When fried, they achieve a beautiful golden hue with a crisp outer layer that contrasts perfectly with their soft, fluffy interior. 

cooking fried

The tuber

  • Early maincrop
  • Yellow skin colour
  • Smooth skin
  • Oval-long shape

The plant

  • Medium to tall height
  • White flower
  • Medium berries


Grown in


Markies are an integral part of our carefully selected varieties, they hold their sugars well while in store, which allows us to provide a high-quality chip towards the end of the potato season. We irrigate our Markies regularly to control their dry matter. The dry matter is the moisture content of the potato – we aim for around 22% in our chipping varieties, which keeps them light and fluffy.

Plant date: Last week of March

Expected harvest date: Start of September

Why we love Markies…

Markies potatoes are a standout variety on our farm, prized for their slightly floury texture that makes them perfect for creating a beautiful chip, especially towards the end of the season. This dual-purpose variety is not only great for frying, but it also excels in baking and roasting, making it a versatile favorite in both kitchens and chip shops across the North East.

markies chips

The tuber

  • Maincrop
  • Creamy skin colour
  • Light yellow flesh
  • Oval shape

The plant

  • Medium height
  • White flower
  • Absent of berries