Our Impact

We Grow

potato growers


wheat growers


barley growers


oil seed rape growers

Oil Seed Rape

been growers


Annual Output


10 million chickens

for UK consumption –
conventional and organic.

7,000 tons of potatoes

for UK consumption.
We contribute 3.6% of total
potato production in the
North East and North West

3,500 tons of arable products

Wheat, barley, beans for UK
products such as bread, beer,
whisky, pasta and biscuits.

Environmental Impact

Did you know that per calorie, potatoes produce the lowest greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) of any food. As our potatoes are grown, chopped and delivered locally this keeps our carbon footprint to a minimum. We also plant a cover crop in our fields to capture carbon, nitrogen and condition the soil – which also pleases the bees as they love our sunflowers. We don’t plough our fields, which allows the soil structure to stay in place, absorbing more water and reducing run-off and keeps the carbon in the ground. Finally we plant trees and hedgerows to offset any carbon we do produce.


Maintaining habitats

58ha of SSSI and 33,150metres of hedgerows, providing food, shelter and breeding cover for many species.

potato growers


Collect empty potato bags and recycle for customers. Incorporate all manures into the soil. Nothing from our production goes to landfill.

potato growers


Commit over 64 hours each year to environmental goals. 

potato growers


Starch extracted from water which is recycled onto our fields. Potato peelings are collected and delivered to neighbouring farms for cattle feed.

Economic impact

direct jobs

Direct jobs

The farms support 30 full time and 8 seasonal/part-time jobs


Indirect impacts

Spending in the supply chain supports at least 10 jobs in the UK.



Average contribution of over £1m to UK GDP each year

Social impact


Support local jobs

Training and apprenticeships for local people.


A good neighbour

We support local charities: Drop in Centre in Wooler (youth centre), Berwick Hospice, sponsor Wooler Golf Club, Chevy Chase (20 mile Fell Race), provide free potatoes for food banks in Newcastle and ‘warm hub’ lunches in the community.


Maintain countryside
for use as recreation

Maintain 1.25 mile public right of way, 1 mile permissive right of way and 90 acres of free dog walking access during winter.