Our Farm

About our farm

Pressen Hill and Turvelaws farms, situated in the Scottish Borders and North Northumberland respectively, are the sole suppliers of Particularly Good Ltd, which ensures complete traceability of our product. If we wished to, we could walk into any of our fields and dig our potatoes by hand, although we prefer to use machines!

Our farm team is made up of eight full-time workers, all of whom bring a varied skill set to the table, including machinery maintenance and repair using our new on-site workshop. We believe in being as self-sufficient as possible and the key to this is regular maintenance.

How we care for the soil

Our soil is alluvial and to ensure we nurture it through field rotation, we also grow the following cereals:

Wheat – used for biscuits, pasta and animal feed.
Barley – Whisky and beer production.
Oilseed Rape – the bright yellow flowered crop which can be used for cooking oil or distilled for bio-fuel.
Broad beans – dried on our site for UK distribution.

It is essential that the soil is cared for properly and we have two agronomists who walk the fields twice a month, Sam for potatoes and Mike for cereals.  Their contribution is invaluable to ensure continued crop quality.

Our Crops

With licences from the Environment Agency, we irrigate our crops from the nearby Wooler water and this, together with every other operation we carry out, is monitored using appropriate technology.  This allows us to be as efficient as possible, utilising as much land as we can for the appropriate crop whilst applying the least amount of fertiliser and chemicals required to maintain quality of growth.

This far north, we are blessed with longer days in the middle of summer, which allows for a better quality of potato (dry matter). Did you know, that on 21st June 2024, we had 51 more daylight hours than London?  

All of these contributing factors help us to do our job well and to provide our customers with the potatoes they deserve – local, grown with care and attention and of a particularly good quality.

Companies we supply

WCM DarkMainV2

Whole Crop Marketing (WCM)

WCM are one of the UK’s largest and leading potato marketing specialists, focusing on chipping, seed, chipping and ware.

For further information, please visit their website: https://wholecropmarketing.co.uk/.